Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lots of Videos!

There haven't been many videos lately, because I accidentally brought the cord for downloading videos and the battery charger for the camera home to Utah. Now that the cord is safely back where it belongs we have lots of videos from the last three Fridays.

More speech therapy from October 26th.

This one is kind of long, but the last five seconds are the best part of the video!

In this one Suzy explains a very interesting fact...

Suzy pedaling

Each week as part of the routine, Suzy makes goals of what she wants to accomplish both during rehab and also at home. Then on Friday they have an Accomplishments meeting where the patients discuss the progress they made during the week. This is a video of Suzy's turn reviewing her goals and the progress made toward accomplishing them.

The part where she is talking about "leaving the chair" is referring to the fact that Suzy hadn't been bringing the wheelchair upstairs for two days.

November 11, 2010

Spencer flew home to visit for a long weekend and got to go to rehab with Brandon and video Suzy.

The physical therapist took advantage of Suzy having two strong boys with her, and had her walk on the treadmill.

Suzy's speech is really improving!

Occupational Therapy

November 12, 2010

Friday Brent was able to stay and video Suzy during her rehab.

The muscles in Suzy's right arm and shoulder have a lot of tone (they are really tight) so in Occupational Therapy she does quite a bit of stretching to help loosen them up.

They also use electronic stimulus to help stimulate the nerves and muscles.

The fingers on Suzy's right hand have a tendency to curl up, so during occupational therapy they will sometimes tape them open. Next week she has an appointment to get Botox injections to help relax the muscles in her hand. Getting the injections will help the therapists to see how much use she will be able to regain.

Suzy practiced walking without the cane!

She was even able to walk the whole length of the bars without stopping or grabbing on! Way to go Suz!

Step ups & Side steps:

At the end of the last video as Suzy looked up she comments "I'm the only one working!" Everyone else had stopped to watch Suzy.

Suzy has been working so hard! It's great to be able to see her progress & watch as she gives her therapists everything she's got...and do it with a joke and a smile!


  1. They are all so good....but I really liked the speach therapy 2 video!! Good job Suzy! LOL

  2. That is just fantastic! You are a hard worker!...even if you cheat sometimes.
